For many years, our family business "BioTeeManufaktur Hessen GmbH" has been a wholesaler of organically grown and wild collected herbs and spices. BioTeeManufaktur was founded in 1984. Since then, we have sourced our raw materials mainly from farms in Germany, Austria and Southeast Europe. The wild collection takes place according to legal guidelines and goods come from controlled areas.
We support farmers and collectors of our partner companies through regular visits and on-site inspections, targeted cultivation advice and guaranteed contract purchasing. This enables us to adapt the cultivation to the needs of our customers, which means greater security in planning for both farmers and customers.
Our range includes a variety of herbs and spices, we can supervise their cultivation from sowing to harvest. Our consultancy service for organic cultivation and wild collection of herbs and spices makes us unique in Europe.
The German organic label is a hexagonal, green, black and white symbol that can be used to label food and other products in Germany that meet the criteria of the EC Organic Regulation. Like all seals of approval, the organic seal, which was introduced in September 2001 as part of the agricultural revolution, is intended to provide guidance for consumers.
A product receives the European organic label if it contains a maximum of 0.9% genetically modified material and at least 95% of the ingredients come from organic farming.
The uniformity ensures a broad market - even non-EU countries now base their regulations on the food law of the European organic label.
The private organic seals meet the European requirements as a minimum value. Traditional organic seals (Demeter, Naturland etc.) ensure further higher standards such as 100% organic cultivation.
Bioland is the leading association for organic farming in Germany. More than 7,700 farmers, gardeners, beekeepers and winegrowers work according to the Bioland guidelines. Together they form a community of values for the good of people and the environment. The daily work of farmers is aimed at the sustainable production of high quality and healthy food. Business in harmony with nature, promoting biodiversity and active climate and environmental protection secure our livelihoods and maintain a diverse cultural landscape.
The Rainforest Alliance has trained over a million farmers worldwide in farming practices that help conserve forests, maintain soil health, protect waters and improve living conditions.
UTZ is a certification program for the sustainable cultivation of coffee, tea, cocoa and hazelnuts. The program is part of the Rainforest Alliance, an international non-profit organization that works for a better future for people and nature.
BioTeeManufaktur Hessen GmbH
Ludwigsteinstraße 8
37214 Witzenhausen – Unterrieden
Tel.: 05542 / 30 799 30
Fax: 05542 / 30 799 39
Geschäftsführer: Florian Serr
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Eschwege
Registernummer: HRA 2952
Gerichtsstand: Eschwege
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE289706899
Ökokontrollstelle: DE-ÖKO-005
Alle Bilder (auch Hintergrundbilder) © BioTeeManufaktur Hessen GmbH
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